You've been a hard worker, tried to be a good steward, and you've been playing by the rules you were taught for as long as you can remember--working harder, and putting in even more time you really can't spare, affecting the quality of your life and relationships, only to earn a little more...
Yet, as hard as you're working, you still find yourself falling farther behind, and wonder if there will ever be a release of this building pressure...
It can feel like an endless cycle...we've been there. It doesn't seem to be working for you, or for most of the people you know... Yet, you see the TRULY WEALTHY seem to have WAY MORE TIME than you; and WAY MORE INCOME streaming in, from WAY MORE PLACES.
Instead of blaming the uber wealthy, it might be time to STUDY them, like WE did, and change the way you've been playing the game... Anyone can learn to play by the "Rules of the Rich," and begin to rewrite their own success story!

Rules of the Rich
Why Are We Sharing This
Information With You?
For over 40 years, we worked hard, paid our taxes, saved our money, loaded up our 401k's, IRAs, and did what we were told was the "responsible" thing to do, while our government behaved in the
most reckless and irresponsible manner, imaginable. ​
We witnessed businesses, Wall Street firms, and banks committing atrocities against the very people they were supposed to be helping; only to receive a slap on the wrist; or even worse, our government providing them with bailout money, while completely ignoring the losses of the actual victims. So, we began trying to understand why, or even how, could this happen...
Fast forward to Spring, 2020, when the world came to a halt. Within less than one year, everything we had saved was GONE! And, again, the question, "How could this happen?" Since then, we became almost obsessed with learning where all that money went, who was responsible, and most importantly, what we could do to ensure that never happened again.
Within only a few years, with the principles we've learned from some of the world's most successful, we were able to create the kind of freedom and life we used to be jealous of; something we were unable to accomplish over the previous 40 years of hard work, alone.​We learned, there are two sets of rules: the rules of the rich, and the rules for everyone else. ​Most importantly, we learned that you don't have to be rich, to play by their rules. ​Our PERSONAL MISSION is to help educate as many people as possible, about how to play by the rules of the rich; and thereby create lasting wealth and freedom.

"The key to creating financial freedom and wealth, is learning how the system works, and working it."

Do you feel like you're working harder to earn more money, but falling farther behind?

If so, do you understand why?

Want to learn more?

Dawn Read
Dawn lives each day with a three-word directive, that constantly rings in the background of every action:
For nearly 30 years, Dawn’s sole mission and greatest joy has been to help folks remove their perceived barriers to greatness, develop from within, and become the person who would achieve goals they once only dreamed of.

Lucky Read
I suppose that could depend on who you asked, and when you asked them.
“The reason most people feel so frustrated, unsettled, and anxious, is because they were meant for more, and deep down inside, they KNOW IT!”
At times he has been on top of the world and loving life to the fullest, and at others he has been drug through the dirt, deceived, betrayed and left for dead. The stories of pain and injustice are nearly as long as his list of accomplishments, but in the end, he’s a believer.

What people say...

Helen Hover
~ Centerville, SD.
No pushing, no preaching, just living and sharing. You show me that even though our circumstances...

If y'all wanna figure out how to have a kickass life, just go check out Dawn and Lucky Read’s radio show!!!...
Kristie Cotton
~ Duncan, OK.
It takes a bold commitment to step off the program of the norm and actually live. Dawn and Lucky...
Bill Bruno
~ Rock Hill, SC.